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Letter: Biden’s record (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In response to a letter to the editor (“Vote blue, save America,” May 16 Readers Write), I offer a response. I’m not going to argue about Trump’s fitness…
Letter: RiverJam a success (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: We at Arts on Main are happy for another successful RiverJam Music Festival! Despite the soggy and blustery weather, our dedicated volunteers, board members, and staff put together…
Letter: The cyclists couldn’t have felt more welcome (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to thank the many amazing volunteers and organizations who took part in this 25th annual event as well…
Letter: Guard against Medicare fraud (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Medicare Fraud Prevention Week, June 2-8, focuses on actions the entire community can take to help older neighbors protect themselves against Medicare fraud. Medicare fraud is big business…
editorial memorial day chart Holiday weekend plans (5/29/2024) - We asked our Facebook followers this past week what they were planning to do over the Memorial Day holiday weekend. A total of 36.4 percent of our survey takers said…
business old page survey Locals voice ideas for old Page site (5/22/2024) - Since obtaining the old Page Middle School site in early 2022 from the Gloucester County School Board, the Board of Supervisors has had many discussions on what to do with…
Editorial: Honor their memories (5/22/2024) - As Memorial Day approaches, we ask you to see for yourself why this is a day worth observing. All that’s required is to walk around Gloucester Court Green, around the…
Editorial: Challenge, acceptance (5/22/2024) - Something different flashed into the do-over presidential race last week. The challenge to an early debate from President Biden was quickly accepted by former President Donald Trump. If the plans…
What the NAACP stands for (5/22/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: An article that appeared in the March 28 issue of Gloucester-Mathews Gazette-Journal (“Board fails to erase monument boundary line,” page 1A) included two quotes that mischaracterized the NAACP.…
Letter: Party With a Purpose (5/22/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On Saturday, June 1, the Mathews Rotary Club will host its third annual Party With a Purpose at Williams Wharf. This year’s “purpose” is to raise funds for…
Letter: A national problem (5/22/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The planned floodwall in Norfolk is becoming more and more complicated and much more expensive. Evidently it will also leave some valuable property unprotected. Although the federal government…
Facebook - 1 Social media (5/15/2024) - “Which social media app do you use the most?” is the question we posed on our Facebook page this past week. A whopping 70 percent said they used Facebook the…
Editorial: Postal issues (5/15/2024) - The U.S. Postal Service, especially in the bottom-ranked Richmond District which serves our area, is having its troubles. Our representative and senators are trying to get to the bottom of…
Editorial: Be prepared (officially) (5/15/2024) - This is Hurricane Preparedness Week in Virginia, as declared by the Virginia Department of Emergency Management. It’s our feeling that people who have lived in this area for a decade…
Letter: A heads up to Mathews residents (5/15/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As the director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to take this opportunity to let our community know that on May 18th, over 600 cyclists will…
Letter: Election selection (5/15/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The coordinated “Deep State” has successfully wielded their combined powers against Donald J. Trump—and us. What to do? I understand not liking Trump’s personality and comments. I often…
Letter: Vote blue, save America (5/15/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Congressman Wittman is playing fast and free with the truth when he claims President Biden’s policies have failed. But that’s not surprising coming from a man who supports…
Letter: One crisis after the next (5/15/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: No one man has done more to destroy this country than Joe Biden. I cannot stress that enough. I can only imagine what our country will be like…
Letter: Women deserve choice (5/15/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In the late 1950s abortion was illegal. Women were fired when it became known they were pregnant. Child care was non-existent, transportation access scarce. Some women chose what…
Editorial: Lives are on the line (5/8/2024) - The intersection of Route 17 and Woods Cross Road in northern Gloucester County has been a problem for almost as long as it’s been an intersection. A quick glance at…
Editorial: What’s next? (5/8/2024) - To those familiar with the delays, the missing mail and other problems that have plagued the USPS Regional Processing and Distribution Center in Henrico County over the past few months,…
Letter: Appreciate your mother (5/8/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Mother’s Day is a special time of the year to appreciate everything that our mothers do for us. I’m so thankful for what my mom does and has…
Letter: Thanks for the support (5/8/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As chairman of the 2024 May Faire festival, I would like to thank Mathews County and the surrounding areas for the support they showed us this year. Above…
Letter: Thank you, Kristie (5/8/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I would like to publicly recognize Kristie Askew for her leadership and tenure as executive director of GUEST as she transitions out of that position into full-time ministry.…
Letter: Reflections on the eclipse (5/8/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am still totally amazed that our nation and the world received such a shared experience as the April 8 total eclipse. The awe that many felt from…

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