Editorial: Pardon me? (2/12/2025) - Whew. If anyone tried to keep track of the pardons issued by President Trump at the end of his first term, President Biden at the end of his term, and… …

Letter: Pride and enthusiasm (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: This past Thursday, we took part in a school tour of Mathews Elementary, Thomas Hunter Middle and Mathews High School hosted by Superintendent Dr. David Daniel and the… …
Letter: Thank you for your Mathews support! (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Wow! What a night at the ninth annual Mathews Rotary Club’s Chili Cook-Off! Nearly 350 people, great chili and a true team effort by all six of the… …
Letter: Promises kept (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In a culture that appears to highlight cynicism and negativity, it is refreshing to experience a national leader who follows through on campaign promises. Illegal immigration was a… …
Letter: Afrikaners (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: During WWII, a significant portion of the “Afrikaner” population in South Africa, particularly within the “Ossewabrandwag” organization (an organization with strong ties to National Socialism) openly supported the… …
Letter: Spending accountability already exists (2/12/2025) - All citizens, no matter our political affiliation, should be concerned with where our tax dollars are going. For this reason, we elect representatives we believe will best decide how to… …
Letter: USAID: Upholding American values (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As a resident of Gloucester Point, I am deeply proud of my daughter’s service as a Foreign Service Officer with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The… …
Letter: Trump vs Constitution (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The U.S. Constitution has been the foundation of our federal government since 1789. It ensures the balance of power in order to protect us from authoritarianism. Trump is… …
Letter: Moving forward (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Returning from an extended trip and reading four issues of my favored Gazette-Journal, I see from the letters to the editors that our far-left Dems and Rino are… …
Letter: A ‘cheap pass off’ (2/12/2025) - As a former Head Start and Special Education teacher, I have personally seen the hard work that teachers and administrators do to help the 7.5 million children in these programs… …
Letter: Penny wise, pound foolish (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In 1999, Newport News Shipyard workers went on strike for better pay and benefits. The shipyard benefitted in the short run by not having to pay all those… …
Letter: Trump doing what he said (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Many Democrats have their hair on fire over Elon Musk’s examination of the waste and fraud in the government. They claim he was unelected. So what? We still… …
Letter: Hoping for spring (2/12/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I’m praying for an early spring so I can start going outside more to do things such as planting a garden. I’m so blessed to have moments like… …
Editorial: Know your school boards (2/5/2025) - It’s the biggest single item in each year’s county budget. It’s likely the largest single employer for Gloucester and Mathews counties. And what they produce every year—educated young men and… …

Letter: Release the report (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The pattern of Virginia mass shooting coverups will likely continue in February when the killer of three University of Virginia football players is sentenced. The case will undoubtedly… …
Letter: Read for the facts (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: During these sad and unbelievable times, and to feel one is doing something worthwhile and know you are not alone, please go to your local library and check… …
Letter: Where to begin? (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: There are so many appalling, terrifying upheavals in this administration that it’s hard to know where to begin. Elon Musk’s takeover of the U.S. Treasury’s Payment system ranks… …
Letter: Truth to power (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: How can we tell when something is the truth? How can we counter all the misinformation/disinformation swirling around us? What are your senses telling you and when does… …
Letter: Public servants (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am so grateful to the brave men and women who are remaining at their desks, who refuse to be frightened out of public service—service for the public… …
Letter: Is this the nation you want? (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: We are on the precipice of losing our democracy to either a theocracy or a dictatorship, or both. There is a movement afoot to do away with secular… …
Letter: Concerning letters (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: And what to my wondering eyes should appear but Fascists and Nazis in my local paper! Never in my wildest dreams and 70 years of living on this… …
Letter: Only one King (2/5/2025) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: To everyone living in Gloucester County, I am banned from all government buildings in the county that my tax money helped to build. I know that none of… …
Editorial: Know your members of Congress (1/29/2025) - Congress is in session. The balance of power has shifted but the three men who represent Gloucester and Mathews residents in the House of Representatives and in the Senate remain… …