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Letter: Plenty to do at museum (6/26/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Thank you for the article on the Pungo Dinosaur Park in your June 20 edition. I was a volunteer at the Military Aviation Museum for 10 years prior…
Letter: Showers of blessings (6/26/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: God has blessed me in many ways over the years, such as placing the right people in my life: my brothers Bryce and Ray, my friends Walker, Pearce,…
editorial summer traditions chart Summer traditions (6/26/2024) - We asked our Facebook followers which summer traditions they look forward to every year. The number one answer was going to the beach at 36.4 percent, followed by visiting a…
editi animal reproduction 4-4-1991 Editorial: Please spay and neuter (6/18/2024) - The Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society recently posted that it has dozens of kittens in its shelter, hoping to find good homes for them. The society provided this graphic to us in…
Letter: Wonderful things in our community (6/18/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: In the haste of the week, I often fail to acknowledge the many wonderful things happening in our county of Gloucester. This past weekend two events caught my…
edit google map A perfect water landing? (6/18/2024) - Eagle-eyed reader Tom Orrell pointed this out to the Gazette-Journal—a satellite photo view on Google Maps of Mathews County, dated 2024. He was looking at the Gwynn’s Island area, “then…
editorial heat chart - 1 Beating the heat (6/18/2024) - We asked our Facebook followers last week what steps they take to beat the heat. Nearly half of survey takers said they stay indoors (41.9 percent), followed by going to…
Editorial: Community support (6/12/2024) - The future looks bright for this year’s crop of high school graduates, thanks to the overwhelming support of civic groups, businesses and local folks who have stepped up to help…
Letter: Strengthening water safety measures (6/12/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Recently, the Mathews Land Conservancy (MLC) was granted $3,000 by the Mathews Community Foundation to strengthen water safety measures at Williams Wharf Landing. The Mathews Community Foundation grant…
Letter: Bidenomics 3.0 (6/12/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Bidenomics 1.0 was “One crisis after the next” by Gail Mitchell of Hardyville (May 16 Readers Write). 2.0 was “Biden’s record” by Bill Wallace of Gloucester (May 30…
Letter: Smith for U.S. Senate (6/12/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I strongly support Commander Chuck L. Smith for U.S. Senate to replace Democrat Tim Kaine. Senator Kaine has been nothing but a shill for the Obama and Biden…
Letter: Trump and the military (6/12/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am a proud veteran of 32 years in the Navy and Navy Reserve. My father was a Marine who fought in WWI and WWII. Duty and honor…
Letter: Hear my cries (6/12/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Abortion is both a moral and legal question. There is more to it than just “her body, her choice.” Have you taken the time to really dissect what…
editorial cookout chart - 1 Summer cookout favorites (6/12/2024) - With school out and summer on the horizon, cookouts are a perfect way to reconnect with friends and family, while enjoying delicious food of course. Here are the summer cookout…
Editorial: Remembering D-Day (6/5/2024) - A young man cradles his M1 rifle as he stands shoulder to shoulder with other young men in one of thousands of landing craft that bob up and down as…
Editorial: ConGradulations (6/5/2024) - This weekend will unleash several hundred newly-minted high school graduates from Gloucester and Mathews into their new worlds. Following this signature milestone in their lives, some will continue their education;…
Letter: Support the Mathews Lions’ fundraiser (6/5/2024) - Editor, Gazette Journal: On Saturday, June 8, from 2-5 p.m., the Mathews Lions Club is sponsoring a “take out” Crab Cake Dinner. The Lions Club is well known for these…
Letter: Reverse Robin Hood? (6/5/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Robin Hood took from the rich and gave to the poor, right? In 2017 Donald Trump, the GOP and Rob Wittman gave us, H.R. 1, Tax Reform Act,…
Letter: Eligible, banned (6/5/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Why I’m angry. Because King Jesus Christ is the King over all nations under heaven, so why are we paying taxes to the government of men that had…
Letter: Character counts (6/5/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: My grandfather taught me as a young boy to never tolerate a thief or a liar. Anyone convicted of 34 felony counts of paying off porn stars while…
editorial grad pie chart - 1 Post-grad plans (6/5/2024) - Gloucester and Mathews high schools are scheduled to hold their graduation ceremonies Saturday. In celebration of that, we asked our Facebook followers this past week what their graduating seniors are…
edit anticipated sea level rise vims Editorial: Feel the heat (5/29/2024) - The hottest months on record, and subsequent warming of the oceans, and melting ice caps and glaciers, are all contributing to sea level rise.Looking at the miles of coastline in…
Letter: Thanks for the Mobi-mat support (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: All of us at the Mathews County Visitor and Information Center (MCVIC) want to shout a big “THANK YOU” to everyone who has contributed to our Mobi-mat project…
Letter: Music, art essential in education (5/29/2024) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am writing out of serious concern for the arts and for the role and value of music and art in general student experience. Musical practice and learning…
Letter: Smith for U.S. Senate (5/29/2024) - With Election Day on June 18, early voting has already begun. Recently I heard Chuck Smith speak passionately, knowledgably, and convincingly on what needs to be done to restore America’s…

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