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School personnel are appointed

The Gloucester County School Board made several personnel appointments during its Aug. 10 meeting. The following persons were appointed to teaching positions for the 2010-2011 school year: Cynthia Miller of Hayes, Amy Daniel of Deltaville, Kathleen Wimberly of Saluda, Kelly Siegel of Newport News, Joshua Nichols of South Hill, Alyssa Thomas of Albany, N.Y., and Kaitlyn Oakes of Quakertown, Pa.

Also, Denise Dubois of Gloucester, was appointed as the nurse at Peasley Middle School and Leslie Chavis was appointed as a teacher assistant. Appointed to support services positions were Shannon Atwell and Michael Calautti of Gloucester, and Melanie Ragsdale of Hayes.

Resignations were accepted from Petsworth Elementary School nurse Germaine Los, Abingdon Elementary School teacher Lesley R. Hunley, Gloucester High School culinary arts teacher LaVelle Thompson, teacher assistants Catherine Davis and Cristy Ramsey, and support services employee Yvonne Schick.

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