Letter: Ensuring a quality education (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The newly formed Mathews Citizens for the Common Good has stated that their candidates have pledged to work for five specific goals; all five being vital for the… …
Letter: Outstanding community support (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am writing to thank our local community for supporting the Mathews Rotary Club’s second Party With A Purpose event which raises much-needed funds for a specific local… …
Letter: The Deep State (6/7/2023) - Once again, the prescience of Jefferson has been ably demonstrated by his admonition against the consolidation of government power. “It is not by the consolidation or concentration of powers but… …
Letter: Brother time (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I woke up early on Wednesday, May 24, to draw in my sketchbook. I had prayer time and Bible study, and my amazing brother Ray came over for… …
Editorial: Hurricane season (5/31/2023) - The official hurricane season in the North Atlantic begins today and runs through Nov. 30. The National Hurricane Center has already tracked a couple of depressions, which did not approach… …
Letter: Not simply asking questions (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette Journal: Once again we heard from a citizen from the community (“Egregious behavior,” May 25 Readers Write) concerning the School Board of Gloucester County. It seems like the… …
Letter: One side of the story (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I find it very interesting that a story is on the front page of the May 18 newspaper, even if it was below the fold, that offered only… …
Letter: All politics is local (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: “Mathews Citizens for the Common Good,” a newly formed political group, has a mystical purpose formed by “like-minded people.” Their goal of eliminating party affiliations for local elections… …
Letter: There is more work to be done (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: While I was at North Star Market recently, a gentleman vising the county read my license plate, “Ray48,” he stated, “My name is Raymond, and I was born… …
Letter: A delightful evening (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On Wednesday, I spent a delightful evening listening to the Courthouse Community Orchestra at the newly opened Cobbs Creek Art Center. The art center is a jewel of… …
Editorial: The honored dead (5/24/2023) - From Bunker Hill to Pork Chop Hill, from Shiloh to Tarawa, from the Battle of Antietam (the deadliest single-day battle in U.S. history) to brief, nameless skirmishes that will never… …
Letter: Egregious behavior (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Article VIII, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia says this and only this about school boards: “The supervision of schools in each school division shall be vested… …
Letter: Supporting candidates above reproach (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I, like our chairman Joe Diggs, am involved in the Mathews Citizens for the Common Good. We came to Mathews in 1998 and since then have been involved… …
Letter: Mixing fun and a good cause (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On Saturday, June 3, the Mathews Rotary Club will launch its second annual Party With A Purpose at Williams Wharf to support Nelda Gibbs and Meals on Wheels.… …
Letter: Thanks to all who helped (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to thank the many amazing volunteers and organizations who took part in this 24th annual event as well… …
Editorial: Decorum (5/17/2023) - There is a time and place available for citizens to express their concerns, needs and opinions to the elected officials that govern our two counties. Not to mention the many… …
Editorial: Please share the road (5/17/2023) - This weekend, the Tour de Chesapeake returns to Mathews County. Cyclists from all points of the compass will converge on the county to roll across the flat landscape, taking in… …
Letter: LVG to close operations (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The Literacy Volunteers of Gloucester Board would like to express overwhelming appreciation for your generous support of our shared mission to “equip adults for tomorrow” in Gloucester and… …
Letter: Moving Mathews forward (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Hi neighbors, I would like to share with you some personal background on my life and my family’s life in Mathews. I am a native Diggs; my wife… …
Letter: A healthy initiative (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette Journal: Before last Saturday, we had not seen a Gloucester Farmers’ Market in many years. The Ware Episcopal Church graciously hosted an outdoor market, providing opportunities for local… …
Letter: A special day (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Do you ever have one of those days when everything goes so right, you wish you could relive it? For me, this last Saturday was one of those… …
Letter: Impressed by Ware Farmers’ Market (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Just a note to let people know how impressed I am after attending the Ware Farmers’ Market this past Saturday. The food, veggies, handmade, decorations and plants and… …
Letter: Ware market was a hit (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Ware Episcopal Church hosted its first-ever Farmers’ Market this past Saturday. As a longtime church member, I am pleased and proud to report that the Market was a… …
Letter: An inspiring event (5/17/2023) - The 2023 Mathews High School Hall of Fame Awards were presented last Friday evening, and it was an inspiring event. To hear about the accomplishments, unselfish dedication, Olympic-level talents and… …
Letter: Welcome cyclists (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As the director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to take this opportunity to let our community know that on Saturday, May 20, over 600 cyclists… …