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Letter: Ensuring a quality education (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The newly formed Mathews Citizens for the Common Good has stated that their candidates have pledged to work for five specific goals; all five being vital for the…
Letter: Outstanding community support (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I am writing to thank our local community for supporting the Mathews Rotary Club’s second Party With A Purpose event which raises much-needed funds for a specific local…
Letter: The Deep State (6/7/2023) - Once again, the prescience of Jefferson has been ably demonstrated by his admonition against the consolidation of government power. “It is not by the consolidation or concentration of powers but…
Letter: Brother time (6/7/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I woke up early on Wednesday, May 24, to draw in my sketchbook. I had prayer time and Bible study, and my amazing brother Ray came over for…
Editorial: Hurricane season (5/31/2023) - The official hurricane season in the North Atlantic begins today and runs through Nov. 30. The National Hurricane Center has already tracked a couple of depressions, which did not approach…
Letter: Not simply asking questions (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette Journal: Once again we heard from a citizen from the community (“Egregious behavior,” May 25 Readers Write) concerning the School Board of Gloucester County. It seems like the…
Letter: One side of the story (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I find it very interesting that a story is on the front page of the May 18 newspaper, even if it was below the fold, that offered only…
Letter: All politics is local (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: “Mathews Citizens for the Common Good,” a newly formed political group, has a mystical purpose formed by “like-minded people.” Their goal of eliminating party affiliations for local elections…
Letter: There is more work to be done (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: While I was at North Star Market recently, a gentleman vising the county read my license plate, “Ray48,” he stated, “My name is Raymond, and I was born…
Letter: A delightful evening (5/31/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On Wednesday, I spent a delightful evening listening to the Courthouse Community Orchestra at the newly opened Cobbs Creek Art Center. The art center is a jewel of…
Editorial: The honored dead (5/24/2023) - From Bunker Hill to Pork Chop Hill, from Shiloh to Tarawa, from the Battle of Antietam (the deadliest single-day battle in U.S. history) to brief, nameless skirmishes that will never…
Letter: Egregious behavior (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Article VIII, Section 7 of the Constitution of Virginia says this and only this about school boards: “The supervision of schools in each school division shall be vested…
Letter: Supporting candidates above reproach (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: I, like our chairman Joe Diggs, am involved in the Mathews Citizens for the Common Good. We came to Mathews in 1998 and since then have been involved…
Letter: Mixing fun and a good cause (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On Saturday, June 3, the Mathews Rotary Club will launch its second annual Party With A Purpose at Williams Wharf to support Nelda Gibbs and Meals on Wheels.…
Letter: Thanks to all who helped (5/24/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to thank the many amazing volunteers and organizations who took part in this 24th annual event as well…
Editorial: Decorum (5/17/2023) - There is a time and place available for citizens to express their concerns, needs and opinions to the elected officials that govern our two counties. Not to mention the many…
Editorial: Please share the road (5/17/2023) - This weekend, the Tour de Chesapeake returns to Mathews County. Cyclists from all points of the compass will converge on the county to roll across the flat landscape, taking in…
Letter: LVG to close operations (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The Literacy Volunteers of Gloucester Board would like to express overwhelming appreciation for your generous support of our shared mission to “equip adults for tomorrow” in Gloucester and…
Letter: Moving Mathews forward (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Hi neighbors, I would like to share with you some personal background on my life and my family’s life in Mathews. I am a native Diggs; my wife…
Letter: A healthy initiative (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette Journal: Before last Saturday, we had not seen a Gloucester Farmers’ Market in many years. The Ware Episcopal Church graciously hosted an outdoor market, providing opportunities for local…
Letter: A special day (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Do you ever have one of those days when everything goes so right, you wish you could relive it? For me, this last Saturday was one of those…
Letter: Impressed by Ware Farmers’ Market (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Just a note to let people know how impressed I am after attending the Ware Farmers’ Market this past Saturday. The food, veggies, handmade, decorations and plants and…
Letter: Ware market was a hit (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Ware Episcopal Church hosted its first-ever Farmers’ Market this past Saturday. As a longtime church member, I am pleased and proud to report that the Market was a…
Letter: An inspiring event (5/17/2023) - The 2023 Mathews High School Hall of Fame Awards were presented last Friday evening, and it was an inspiring event. To hear about the accomplishments, unselfish dedication, Olympic-level talents and…
Letter: Welcome cyclists (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: As the director of the Tour de Chesapeake, I would like to take this opportunity to let our community know that on Saturday, May 20, over 600 cyclists…

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