Letter: Traveling, bonding, worshiping (5/17/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The past two months have had much going on, including a trip in late March to Louisiana, on the road with my mom and Auntie Linda. When we… …
Letter: Why not delay a decision? (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: At the May 2 Gloucester County School Board meeting, one would have seen speaker after speaker asking for a delay in choosing a new superintendent until after the… …
Letter: Nonsensical distractions (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: This past Tuesday, May 2, I attended the GCPS School Board meeting which was put in place to continue the conversation regarding the future hire of a new… …
Letter: Blessings and best wishes to mothers (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Sunday, May 14 is Mothers’ Day this year. It is the day when we celebrate how important they are and how much they have done for us. When… …
Letter: Providing support to caregivers (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Like many communities across the country, the Middle Peninsula is experiencing a caregiver crisis. As our population ages, family members and friends become unpaid caregivers providing in-home care… …
Letter: Promoting civic cohesion (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The follies of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are beginning to be seriously discussed. We might be tempted to leave this to West Coast technocrats and D.C. politicians—after all, only… …
Letter: Prayer request (5/10/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: For Mother’s Day on Sunday, I’m asking all mothers that are living and all nations under heaven to join me, and to pray that all the baby boys… …
Letter: Local Mathews heroes (5/10/2023) - We want to take a moment to recognize some local Mathews heroes. Five days a week, these ladies show up at the Mathews High School early to cook a hot… …
Editorial: Thank you, teachers (5/3/2023) - “Mrs. Payton, Mr. Bohn, Mrs. McDaniel: All three of you saw the writer in me before I knew he existed. Thank you.” Those words were posted last week on social… …
So, what are you reading? (5/3/2023) - We’ve decided here at the Gazette-Journal to kick off a new segment in the paper where our readers let us know the book that they’re currently reading and what they… …
Letter: A heartfelt thank you (5/3/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On behalf of the Gloucester Branch of the NAACP, I would like to thank the LightHouse Church for their warm hospitality during the co-hosting of our annual Health… …
Letter: The community really showed up (5/3/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: On behalf of all the volunteers, supporters and sponsors of the Gwynn’s Island Race Event on Saturday, April 29, thank you Mathews County for the outpouring of community… …
Editorial: Behind closed doors (4/26/2023) - As a newspaper, one would expect that we would always be calling for information to be made public. And, for the most part, that is the case. It does concern… …
Letter: Courthouse observations (4/26/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Last week, I went to the courthouse for a trial regarding “Visibility in our Schools.” While I have not taken sides on the issue, I believe parents should… …
Letter: The search (4/26/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: A message was sent to citizens on April 20 [of] the school board meeting regarding the search for a new Superintendent for the Gloucester School Division. The folks… …
Letter: Our country today (4/26/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Do we have any idea how our world has changed since Joe Biden took office? He had a totally controlled Democratic House and Senate and the first thing… …
Letter: Incredibly impressed (4/26/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: To those of you who missed the fundraisers for Thomas Hunter Middle School and Mathews High School, the student performances were phenomenal. The talent released by these young… …
Letter: Praise for PRGC and its golf pro (4/26/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: We are very fortunate to have such a beautiful facility as the Piankatank River Golf Club in our area. While the greens, fairways, and clubhouse are great, the… …
Editorial: Taking root (4/19/2023) - The clashing, clanging noises of the late 1960s and early 1970s, now faded after half a century, did not produce as much change as people hoped. But somehow in all… …
Editorial: Building blocks (4/19/2023) - We will be brief. This is National Volunteer Week in America. The theme, according to several websites, is “Volunteering Weaves us Together.” In other words, volunteers are the building blocks… …
Letter: Question everything (4/19/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: If you believe that … Democrats won’t lie about where their money comes from; There’s no abuse of voter rolls (dead voters, 200 year-old voters); Attorney General Garland… …
Letter: An outpouring of support (4/19/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: Thank you to our community for all the support you have given to the Thomas Hunter Middle School FCCLA. As the parent of a THMS FCCLA member, I… …
Editorial: No longer news? (4/12/2023) - At what point is it no longer news? A mass shooting Monday morning in Louisville, Kentucky resulted in the deaths of six people, including the shooter. According to a count… …
Letter: The taking of a life (4/12/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: “Gloucester man dies following confrontation with deputies,” March 30 Gazette-Journal. If 30 years as a police officer in New Jersey taught me anything, it was an enlightened sense… …
Letter: CH Players’ performance was magical (4/12/2023) - Editor, Gazette-Journal: The Courthouse Players’ recent performance of “Almost Maine” was magical. The audience was engaged from the first line of dialog. Each of the eight scenes was skillfully acted.… …