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GHS students take part in Virginia Latin convention

Gloucester High School students were among the 1,600 Latin students who attended the Virginia Junior Classical League Convention in Richmond in November.

Students attended lectures, participated in the Roman Banquet and competed in several different areas. GHS students placed in their respective competitions as follows:

Twelfth grade division—Gabriel Brown, fifth place in geography level IV and sixth in vocabulary level IV; Diggar Millard, third in large models; Patrick Rice, first in English oratory, sixth in Roman life IV and tenth in mythology level IV; David Shields, fourth in derivatives level IV, fifth in Latin comprehension prose level IV, sixth in poster, seventh in vocabulary level IV and Latin sight reading level IV+; Melisa Williamson, sixth in Latin literature level IV, eighth in Roman life level IV and tenth in mosaics;

Eleventh grade division—Lauren Handy, first in jewelry, second in watercolor, fourth in photography, sixth in group photography and sev...

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