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5 GHS students attend Youth Cadet program

Five Gloucester High School students were among the 46 teenagers from across Virginia to attend the 30th session of the Youth Cadet Law Enforcement program in the Virginia State Police Academy in North Chesterfield.
GHS students Alexandria Viva, Robert Rekrut, Liam Skiles, Jalen Gardner and Shane Barker attended the session June 23-28. Also attending was American Legion 3rd District Commander Rick Ward of Post 75 in Gloucester, who is a counselor for the program.
GHS cadet Skiles received the male Physical Fitness Award, one of four awards given during cadet graduation. This marked the second consecutive year that the award was won by a GHS student.
During the weeklong session, the rising high school seniors experience a life similar to a trooper in training, a release said.
The cadets had daily room inspections and instruction by state troopers on the department’s operations, crime scene investigations, officer survival, undercover operations, driver improve-
ment, scuba trainin...

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