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Main Street renovation delays largely resolved

Several conflicts have delayed the Mathews Main Street renovation project, but they have largely been resolved, said Mathews County Planning and Zoning Director Thomas Jenkins. 
Because delays have changed the timeline, the project will likely be unfinished for Market Days, he said, but actual work on the project is not expected to interfere with the festival.
Instead, work will be suspended from the Thursday before Market Days through that weekend. In addition, he said, the work that will be underway during that time period will probably be on the east side of Main Street, away from Market Days activities.
Jenkins said that there had been three unanticipated conflicts. The first was the installation of a new Hampton Roads Sanitation District structure after the work plans for the Main Street project had already been drawn, he said. That installation required a shift in the alignment of the large drainage ditch adjacent to Vintage Gallery that is being upgraded. The new drainage d...

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