The late Vollis Simpson was an inspired man. He blended his intuitive artistic talent with his genius for mechanical engineering. His unique artwork was and is visually phenomenal.
His virtuosic artwork is on public exhibit in Whirligig Park in Wilson, North Carolina. Wilson has embraced Simpson’s artistic legacy with pride. Whirligig Park was created as a warm tribute to a beloved native son.
Vollis Simpson, born in 1919, grew up on his family farm in Lucama in Wilson County about 11 miles from where the Whirligig Park stands today.
As Simpson, one of 12, grew up, he developed an affinity for servicing and repairing farm equipment—tractors, bailers, threshers, pumps, and other farm machinery.
Young Vollis supplemented his family income by helping his father to move houses.
When America went to war during World War II, Vollis Simpson was inducted into the United States Army Air Corps on July 22, 1941. He was eventually stationed on the island of Saipan with the Air Corps.
The capture o...
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