Veterans Day will be observed this weekend with ceremonies in Gloucester and Mathews counties.
At 11 a.m. Saturday, the Gen. Anthony Wayne Chapter #57 of the Disabled American Veterans will hold a ceremony at its headquarters at 6265 Professional Drive (off Short Lane) in Gloucester.
DAV Department of Virginia Commander Denise Williams will be the featured speaker and the American Legion Post 83 honor guard will provide a 21-gun salute. There will be lunch served after ceremony, provided by Courthouse Restaurant, Chick-fil-A, Farm Fresh and Walmart. This ceremony is open to the public.
On Saturday night, American Legion Post 83 and its Auxiliary will hold their annual Veterans Day Dinner and Awards program at the post home in Hudgins. The dinner starts at 6 o’clock.
The public is invited. Legion Awards will be presented after the meal and a guest speaker, who has not been determined at press time. The cost is $16 per person. To ensure an accurate meal count, RSVP the post at 804-...
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