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Plans underway for Nov.11 roadside cleanup

The Mathews County Visitor and Information Center will host its Community Roadside Cleanup Day from 8 a.m. until noon on Saturday, Nov. 11, throughout the county. A rain date has been set for Nov. 18.
“Unfortunately, litter plagues our beautiful county’s landscape, and by participating in cleanup, we are showing good example of how we can all work together to make a difference and raise awareness to keep our community clean,” said MCVIC’s interim executive director Lori Dusenberry. “We really hope that you will gather up your group, friends and family and help spread the word.”
She said MCVIC plans on making the day a fun one of community-building and service, and will offer a free pizza party for up to 15 people at Southwind Café for the group that bags the most amount of trash. MCVIC will also give away individual door prizes at the end of the cleanup.
Those who wish to participate should gather at MCVIC at 8 a.m. for donuts, coffee and hot ...

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