At its April 14 quarterly meeting, the State Water Control Board adopted regulations establishing two no discharge zones in Sarah Creek and Perrin River in lower Gloucester County. These areas are impaired by bacteria and have shellfish beds that have been closed to harvest due to bacterial contamination.
The new designations as no discharge zones prohibit the discharge of sewage from boats and will aid in preventing further degradation and improving water quality. Boaters in these areas will be required to use pump-out facilities.
No-discharge zones are federally designated bodies of water where discharge of sewage (whether treated or untreated) from all vessels is prohibited.
Enforcement is primarily through the U.S. Coast Guard, Virginia Marine Police and the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (formerly DGIF).
Based on Virginia Department of Environmental Quality recommendations, the board also denied a request for a Virginia Water Protection Permit to withdraw water from Cra...
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