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MVRS holds Outreach Night Saturday

Mathews residents who want a first-hand look at their volunteer rescue squad’s capabilities are invited to Community Outreach Night from 6-8 o’clock on Saturday at the squad building on Cricket Hill Road at Hudgins.

Tom Jarvis, vice president of Mathews Volunteer Rescue Squad, said the squad wants the community to know not only what services the squad offers, but also where the public’s taxpayer dollars and individual contributions go.

Residents will have a chance to meet squad members and get a first-hand look at the squad’s high-tech equipment and vehicles. There will also be a quick overview of CPR and the local Yellow Dot program, and squad members will handle a mock chest pain incident so visitors can see the volunteers actually put their expertise and equipment to work.

Anyone interested in volunteering will be able to learn about the levels of membership and the requirements they must meet for each level. Finally, the MVRS Auxiliary will share inf...

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