American Legion posts in Gloucester and Mathews will hold Memorial Day services Sunday afternoon in the two counties. Mathews Post 83 will hold its ceremony at 2 p.m. at the post headquarters on Hookemfair Road in Hudgins. Gloucester Post 75 will have its ceremony at 3 at the Gloucester Veterans Memorial Wall in front of the courthouse.
In Mathews
Lynn Jaeger, chairman of the Mathews County Chamber of Commerce, will be guest speaker for the Mathews program. Following her presentation, the post will honor members who have died during the past year with its Bell Ceremony. The program will conclude with a rifle salute by the Post 83 Honor Guard and the playing of “Taps.”
Light refreshments will be served following the ceremony. Gravesite flags will be available for pick-up.
In Gloucester
Army Lt. Col. and Chaplain Juan M. Crockett, Command Chaplain for the U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training, will be Gloucester’s guest speaker. The Gloucester High Schoo...
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