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Looking ahead to 2012 in Gloucester

The year 2012 looks to be another challenging year for Gloucester County government. Though county administrator Brenda Garton has not formally started work on the budget, which will be adopted in the spring, she is prepared to make difficult decisions.

Like many businesses, local governments have faced their own economic challenges for the past three years. This year, Garton said she will have "significantly less money from the state" and likely no local revenue growth. She anticipates some of the deepest state cuts will be in education.

Garton was hesitant when talking about the prospect of raises for county employees in the upcoming budget. Recognizing that it has been quite a while since employees have seen raises, Garton said it will definitely be something she will have to decide on when forming the budget.

Another challenge Gloucester is facing that may be unique among surrounding localities is that its utilities department is in debt and has required large tra...

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