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Letter: MHS After-Prom a success

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Mathews High School After-Prom Party Committee, as well as the juniors and seniors of Mathews High School, would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the annual After-Prom Party. Once again, the party was a popular event with approximately 200 youth and 59 adult volunteers in attendance. 
The support given from our community and the surrounding areas shows how much we value the opportunity to provide an evening full of fun, games, food, music and prizes for our youth all in a supervised, drug-free, and alcohol-free environment.
This experience would not be possible without the help of our local businesses and generous individuals. We thank everyone who supported our numerous fund-raising events including the golf tournament, Waiters’ Night and luncheon, as well as all who responded so generously to our written requests.
Our youth are truly blessed to be a part of a community that cares enough to offer them a safe alternative o...

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