Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am responding to Mr. Raymond Hunley’s letter to the editor ("Former commissioner responds to comments," July 5 Readers Write). It is my desire to provide the citizens of Mathews with a less-biased set of facts concerning the issues addressed.
1. Mr. Hunley questions my request for funding/assistance to assess new construction. If Mr. Hunley had done his job, the one the Commonwealth of Virginia paid him to do, this request would not have been necessary. I was left with 154 completed building permits, which were left unassessed, in addition to those normally handled each year. Not having the advantage of a mentor when I took office, as Mr. Hunley did, I feel that the training and help I requested is more than warranted, and will be beneficial to the county and my job performance.
2. On the day that I first entered my office, I found it to be stripped bare. I had the office furniture and a faulty computer that required hours of IT service to repai...
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