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Letter: County water plan may be written locally

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
In spite of supervisors’ chairman Jack White’s insistence he was “just trying to keep the process legal,” he and County Administrator Mindy Conner were out of order in refusing to allow Mr. G.C. Morrow’s substitute resolution for the citizen team to produce a new local water supply plan.
In Robert’s Rules, when an entire paragraph of a resolution is to be changed, the proper form is to offer a substitute resolution rather than amend the original resolution word by word. Amendments or substitutions of a resolution before the board do not need to be provided a week in advance as demanded by Ms. Conner.
Mr. White was also in error in expecting a completed plan to be presented before the board accepted the citizens’ offer to do the plan. I challenge anyone to show one instance of a completed report being demanded before its production was authorized by the Board.
The new geology and hydrology sections are unlikely to change...

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