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Joshua Pinder completes service project; one step closer to his Eagle Scout rank

Joshua Pinder of Boy Scout Troop 133 in Gloucester is one step closer to becoming an Eagle Scout after completing his project at Machicomoco State Park, Hayes, over the weekend.
The park was in need of a stage to be used as an outdoor classroom as part of its educational program for visitors. With the assistance of Life to Eagle Coordinator Mathew McMillan, Pinder researched and designed the stage. A materials list was compiled and Pinder visited local businesses to raise funds necessary to complete the project.
Monetary donations and materials were provided by Gloucester Supply and Ace Hardware, Harris Garage, BayPort Credit Union, Lowe’s, Ken Houtz Chevrolet, BuildTuff USA and scout parent James Wilson.
On March 26, Troop 133 scouts, leaders and parents built the stage. With the leftover lumber, Pinder built five benches to accompany the stage. He returned on June 3 to water seal the stage to help preserve it.
In accordance with the Eagle Scout project requirements, surplus funds and...

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