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Gloucester budget adopted; no tax increase

Following hours of deliberation stretched over a period of six weeks, the Gloucester County Board of Supervisors adopted the county’s fiscal year 2014-15 $133 million budget Tuesday night. The budget adoption meeting, which was held in the colonial courthouse, went rather seamlessly, with only a few last-minute changes.
Tax rates for property owners will remain at their current levels, which are 65 cents per $100 of assessed value on real estate; $2.95 per $100 of assessed value on personal property and $1 per $100 on boats. A directive from the board was given to county administrator Brenda Garton in January to develop the budget with no tax increases and no increase in debt service to the county.
The budget provided level funding for the school system, although it was nearly $2 million shy of what was initially requested by school superintendent Ben Kiser.
At the beginning of Tuesday night’s meeting during citizens’ comment period, Kathleen Evans, acting chair of th...

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