It’s all very well to rant and rage about government. In fact, that seems to be quite the thing to do these days. Taking flak is just one of the aspects of holding office, probably quite disagreeable to those on the receiving end.
If you have a strong opinion about issues before Congress, consider expressing them where they are most likely to be heard: to the individuals who will be voting on them. While you are at it, let the President know your thoughts as well.
Here is the contact information for the President, Virginia’s Senators, and the First District Representative, all very familiar names in our news. You never know when the occasion will arise that you feel you must express yourself, either by agreeing or disagreeing with a matter before the nation, to one or all of these elected officials.
A sign of the times: the various websites for these men all state that they prefer e-mail to written letters, especially, as one stated, because modern security concerns...
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