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BZA approves two home occupation requests

The Gloucester Board of Zoning Appeals approved two special exception requests during its May 27 meeting in the colonial courthouse.
Frank P. Pagano III of Hayes received a special exception permit to establish a home occupation for the sale of firearms and other accoutrements. Pagano said he will sell vintage and collectable firearms, antique swords, armor and other items.
In voting for the Pagano application, the BZA adopted the staff recommendations, including days and hours of operation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily; no employees other than the resident/owner; no client parking in the Virginia Department of Transportation right-of-way, and all firearms to be secured in the owner’s gun safe unless being shown or sold, according to planner Tripp Little. The Pagano property is located at 1923 Pine Lane and is zoned single-family detached residential (SF-1).
Also, the board approved the application of Jason and Jill Reece of Gloucester. The Reeces were granted a special exception f...

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