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A year after devastating fire, Bayside Joinery is up and running

A year after a massive fire destroyed almost everything Bayside Joinery owned, the company is in new quarters in Cobbs Creek and getting ready to tackle some major projects.

Rick and Luke Andrews, the father-and-son duo who run the business together, are making some changes to the building to accommodate the large structural components they plan to manufacture there. On Monday, employees cut a large opening in the wall so a massive loading door could be installed. They’re also installing racks and exhaust fans and a dust collection system.

Without the type of facility they needed, the Andrews kept their business going over the past year by doing mostly small jobs out of Rick’s garage and a tent, using tools that were stored on a jobsite at the time of the fire. One employee stuck with them throughout, they said.

But with a major project waiting for them in the Florida Keys, they needed a place where they could manufacture the lighthouse-style homes they design, engineer, and build u...

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