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Planners to continue helipad public hearing next week

After five months, the Mathews County Planning Commission will continue a public hearing on a conditional use permit to construct a proposed aviation facility (helipad) on Gwynn’s Island.
The meeting will be the first held in person this year and will take place at the Mathews High School Auditorium at 7 p.m. next Wednesday, April 21.
Last November, the commission decided to leave the public hearing open for another month before making a recommendation. The hearing was further delayed when the commission decided to go back to virtual meetings due to the increased spread of COVID-19.
The applicant, William Shewmake, on behalf of Mark T. Motley Trust, requested a CUP to build a 20’x20’ helipad with an associated 20’x65’ garage on the 3.49-acre property. The property is in the Residential-2 (R-2) zoning district and is accessed by Old Farm Road which is a 15-foot-wide, private right-of-way.
Planning staff has received numerous letters of opposition for the CUP request. Staff does not supp...

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