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Peary man provides oyster roast to the delight of young ladies

110 YEARS AGOThursday, January 22, 1914from the Mathews Journal

Mr. Will Hudgins of Peary gave an oyster roast to a number of young ladies Monday night last, and all reported a delightful time.

Mrs. Asa Grinnelle was the guest of her mother last week.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, January 24, 1924from the Mathews Journal

Friday morning, January 25, the mid-term examinations begin at Peninsula High School and continue for three days. Pupils who have maintained an average of 90 percent in daily grades and monthly tests and in deportment are exempt from examinations and have a satisfying release from school duties for these days.

90 YEARS AGOThursday, January 25, 1934from the Gloucester Gazette

The largest gathering that ever attended a “party” in Gloucester is confidently looked for by the local sponsors of the President’s Birthday Party, which is to be held at Edge Hill dance hall next Tuesday night, Jan. 30. The admission price for the affair here has been set at the lo...

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