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food pomegranate growing Ancient pomegranate has many modern uses (10/23/2024) - The pomegranate is one of the world’s oldest fruits, and one plant is growing and producing in the Garden Creek area of Mathews. Its cultivation dates to 2,200 B.C.E. in…
Mushroom man has plans for growth (10/16/2024) - Did you know that those delicious mushrooms you just enjoyed are not technically a plant? Although they are usually considered a part of the vegetable group when buying or ordering…
food pizza tony & melina October is National Pizza Month: Favorite food came to America around 1900 (10/9/2024) - Once upon a time pizza in America was a rather inexpensive peasant food. Along with the four million southern Italians who had come to this country by 1900 came the…
food beth bunting Gloucester cook draws on a family tradition of excellence (10/2/2024) - She grew up in a family whose outstanding cooking abilities were very well known, appreciated and sought after. Loving to cook, Beth Bunting carries on her family’s tradition, using some…
food museum tea Tea time at the museum (9/25/2024) - The Dutch brought tea to America in the early 1600s. The record on how to host the perfect afternoon tea for an American upper society audience set in a sophisticated…
food crabs no 1 and grand prize The latest and greatest from the crab cookoff (9/18/2024) - In 1699 on a plot of land in Maryland, with shores touching Somers Cove and the Chesapeake Bay, a town named Annemessex was created. It was a small Eastern Shore…
food mich A teacher in international cooking (9/11/2024) - During the summer Michaela “Mich” Lee taught a six-week class in international cooking for Gloucester Parks and Recreation, and it was so successful that another six-week session followed. Mich, who…
food koo Local priest cooks up memories of his homeland (9/4/2024) - Father Koo, as he is known in this country, is at work a long way from his beloved Ghana on the east coast of Africa. Father Koo, the Rev. Johnny…
food guinea cakes larger 1 It’s cake time again in Guinea! Jump in and place a bid (8/28/2024) - The annual Silent Auction Cake Sale will be open to the public for the 9th year on September 8, Guinea Heritage Day, at the Abingdon Ruritan Club building. Since 2015…
food chips Born of frustration, potato chips top the snack list (8/21/2024) - Potato chips, now the world’s favorite snack, were created 171 years ago. The most popular version of the chip’s birth attributes the dish to George Crum, a cook at the…
food rebecca wilson Baking with love builds up a good business (8/14/2024) - Leaving Nottoway County, Larry and Rebecca Wilson bought property and built their home overlooking a pond in Middlesex County. At this place, Becky’s Lovin’ Oven was created around ten years…
food paige Pear pie, and other favorites, from a great-grandmother (8/7/2024) - Annie Bell Billups, a native of Mathews, moved to Gloucester 60-plus years ago, having met and married Samuel Paige Jr. The couple reared five girls who surely learned a great…
food watermelon Ryleigh Cox Watermelon season: The best part of summer is ripe now (7/31/2024) - The saying “eat the watermelon but spit out the seeds” means to take the good from a given situation and leave behind the bad. For those who grew up in…
food pound cake Pound cakes: Favorites from winning bakers (7/24/2024) - “How do you find the people to write about every week?” It is a question often asked of this writer. Well, it has been an interesting journey which continues today.…
food pickles edit Get Ready to Pickle! Cucumbers are here in force (7/17/2024) - When cucumber season arrives, they seem to come in abundance. To preserve the harvest, pickling is the most popular method. It’s a way of preservation that has been around for…
food maggie devita Two loaves at a time: Maggie DeVita keeps on keeping on (7/10/2024) - Making two loaves of sourdough bread in one day is just normal practice for 102-year-old Maggie (Marguerite) DeVita. “I enjoy sharing bread with neighbors and friends,” Maggie was quick to…
food sisters Sisters honored their mother with special cookbooks (7/3/2024) - Irving Berlin wrote the song “Sisters” for the movie White Christmas in 1954. The lyrics were adapted for two sisters in the show. Mr. Berlin never knew it, but his…
food peony ladies Cooking with Flowers: Local peonies yield wonderful recipes (6/26/2024) - Peonies have been around since 1000 B.C., and although not commonly eaten today, they were a frequent ingredient in medieval cooking when in season using the blossoms, seeds and roots.…
food vegan 2 Delicious recipes for a healthy lifestyle (6/18/2024) - As a community outreach program on good health during May, the Gloucester Seventh-day Adventist Church sponsored a vegan cooking class. Its notice in the paper said, “A vegetarian diet by…
food tea bw fix Enjoy a long tall drink of summer: June is Iced Tea Month (6/12/2024) - Nothing seems to cross social, ethnic and economic boundaries, particularly in the South, more than a glass of iced tea or sweet tea. June is National Iced Tea Month. Here…
food freeze dried 1 edit Freeze-dried foods offered by Gloucester business (6/5/2024) - Freeze-drying, also known as lyophilization, is a form of dehydration. Food is first frozen, then dried under pressure to remove its water content.A Frenchman invented this process in 1906. During…
PadowsGloucestermarket_6375 Gloucester resident keeps her family’s ham business on the move (5/29/2024) - The well-known company Padow’s Hams had its beginning in Richmond in 1936. Stephanie Padow Manheim of Gloucester, third generation, is today in charge of shipping online orders of these hams…
food pepper grinder Please pass the popular pepper! (5/22/2024) - It was known as Black Gold by merchants in the Ancient World. In today’s world, black pepper is the most popular spice on the planet, commonly found in nearly every…
food dame edit Recipes of beloved church member printed in her memory (5/15/2024) - There are many ways in which people have been posthumously honored. Severn Church in Gloucester thought the work of the Joyful Hands Circle had several reasons to publish “Stirring Up…
food hamburger Let’s celebrate the glorious hamburger! (5/8/2024) - May is National Hamburger Month and to further honor this All-American sandwich, May 28 has been named as Hamburger Day. The hamburgers were first created in Hamburg, German. Street vendors…

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