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NAACP holds final candidate forum in Mathews

The final forum for Mathews candidates for the 2023 election year was held last Wednesday night at the Cobbs Creek Arts Center.

Sponsored by the Mathews Branch NAACP, the forum included opportunities for all candidates to share information about themselves, while candidates for the board of supervisors and the school board were each given an opportunity to answer one question posed by the NAACP, followed by questions from the audience.

The forum was moderated by the Rev. Dr. Marcus Stallworth of Mathews Chapel United Methodist Church.

School board

School board candidates Tina Bull Broaddus, Mary Kathryn Diggs, Sharon A. Frye, incumbent Dr. Marianne “Mari” Gibbs, Calvin G. Morgan, and incumbent Desmond A. Smith were all present for the forum. The initial question asked of them by the NAACP was: Given the decreased enrollment in Mathews schools and periodic talk of consolidating school facilities, how would they ensure that Thomas Hunter Middle School remains open.

All ca...

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