The Mathews Fireworks Committee is expecting a big crowd for the county’s Independence Day fireworks display Saturday night at Mathews High School. The fireworks show is expected to begin around 9-9:15 and Sunday evening has been reserved as a rain date.
"We’re going to have as good fireworks as we had last year and I felt like we had a good show last year," said fireworks committee spokesman Charles Ingram.
He encouraged residents from Gloucester and other localities to come to Mathews this year and compare its displays with others in the region.
The event will include music and refreshments, Ingram added. Local resident Tommy Eriksen will serve as DJ before the festivities and will start playing music between 6:30-7 p.m. Concessions, provided by Mathews County Public Schools, will also be provided at that time.
A recital of the Star Spangled Banner will be given just prior to the start of the fireworks display, Ingram said. Two to three door prizes wil...
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