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Making a living off the land

This week has been declared National Agriculture Week, a time, according to presidential proclamation, to “celebrate all farmers, farm workers, ranchers, fishers, foresters, and other agricultural workers who do so much to make our nation strong, fuel our economy, and steward our land.”

Two people who have made farming their career are Peter and Diane Perina, who established their small farm—Eastfields Farms in Mathews—nearly 40 years ago, and today are still growing chemical-free “you-pick” blueberries and oysters on their 14 acres on the East River.

Farming is a full-time job for the couple. When they’re not pruning blueberries—a five-month-long endeavor—they’re tending to their oyster floats. In July and August, they welcome a steady stream of visitors to their farm, families or individuals who want their blueberries fresh off the bush and enjoy the experience of getting outside and picking their own.

The Perinas recalled the days when they were just starting out, struggli...

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