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Letter: Nonsensical distractions

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

This past Tuesday, May 2, I attended the GCPS School Board meeting which was put in place to continue the conversation regarding the future hire of a new GCPS superintendent.

In 38 years of service to public education I have never witnessed such an intolerable blend of politics, lack of correct information, civility and desire to bend the search for a new superintendent for political gain. GCPS students, employees and families are not served when a small fanatical few attempt to take over complete control of what should be a larger community effort.

This carefully orchestrated, politically driven, all-or-nothing approach to the oversight of our school division has been at the center of one school board member’s desire to keep this board off topic and mired in nonsensical distractions. If the intent by some board members is to hold our future superintendent to a political party test, religious test, conservative “enough” test and so on, it will indeed ...

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