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Letter: Bicyclist safety

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In your Sept. 28 issue you alerted readers that Bicyclist and Pedestrian Awareness Month in Virginia is observed in October. As a new biker in Hayes, I appreciate any and all awareness you bring to improve the safety of walkers, bikers and drivers.

Among other things it stated: “When driving—Be cautious when passing buses or stopped vehicles.” However, it fell short of educating drivers of an important law pertaining to the passing of cyclists.

After several decades, I got back on my bike in February of this year. Living in the Coke area, it is difficult to get anywhere without traversing Cedar Bush or Providence Roads. My main trek is to Machicomoco State Park where there are few vehicles to concern myself with. Most motorists I have encountered on busier roads are patient and provide me space to be safe. But that isn’t always the case.

When I began peddling again, I was not aware of the specific laws pertaining to drivers when encountering cyclis...

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