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Legionnaires hold Memorial Day services in Gloucester, Mathews

In a pair of Memorial Day services on Sunday afternoon, Legionnaires in Gloucester and Mathews counties paid tribute to their departed brothers and sisters in arms.
In Mathews
American Legion Post 83, Mathews, held its ceremony first, gathering in front of the post headquarters in Hudgins for its bell ceremony, recognizing those Post 83 members “who have gone on to ‘post everlasting’” during the past year.Post Commander Tim Roscher read the names of the fallen comrades, as Ellis Hudgins rang the bell for each. Those recognized in the bell ceremony were F. Paul Blanock, Elton J. Duhon, Benjamin H. Fitchett, John A. Gordon, Walter S. Hunley and Franklin W. Jarvis.
At the conclusion of the bell ceremony, the post’s Honor Guard fired a gun salute. Once the ceremony was over at post headquarters, the members reassembled at the Mathews Rotary Club’s Flags for Heroes display next to Moughons Hardware in Mathews Court House to fire a gun salute there.
In Gloucester

Later that afternoon, Ame...

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