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Katrina White Brown, a woman of passion and purpose

An extremely involved and knowledgeable individual in the community, the Rev. Dr. Katrina White Brown truly enjoys her life and the various jobs she has held in the past and holds today in “retirement.”

Highlights of some of her work include serving as a newspaper editor of a daily paper in the U.S. Virgin Islands to her current position as associate pastor at Bethel Baptist Church in Gloucester, as well as a contact ranger at Machicomoco State Park in Hayes. She has numerous activities she has been, or is, a part of and seems to have boundless energy and enthusiasm for all.

Brown said she has “the perfect retirement job.” She was the first contact ranger hired at Machicomoco State Park when it opened in 2021. One of Virginia’s newest state parks, it holds the distinction of focusing on indigenous peoples, most especially Native Americans. As a “contact ranger,” Brown is one of the first people to greet the public as they come to visit.

She has a real love of history and stor...

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