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Hearing set for Gloucester Capital Improvements Plan

Gloucester supervisors moved ahead with its five-year Capital
Improvements Plan during its meeting Tuesday night, with a public
hearing scheduled for Feb. 4 to receive citizen input on the proposal.
Meeting in the colonial courthouse, the Gloucester County Board of
Supervisors received a presentation from county administrator Brent
Fedors on the FY 2021-2025 CIP. Fedors’s presentation began with the
establishment of a system that would be used to determine what projects
have the most need of completion.
His suggested approach focused on practical need and common sense,
rather than the previous scoring scale. This approach was used to help
bring light to small projects that clearly need to be addressed sooner
rather than later. One example that Fedors gave was the need for updated
voting machines.
Fedors explained that Gloucester’s spending over the last few years
was “lean” with the reserves Gloucester has. Fedors then explained that
Gloucester has a lower reserve balance than neighbo...

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