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Gloucester moves ahead with countywide broadband

During a work session Tuesday, Gloucester supervisors voted to spend roughly $2.5 million in COVID-19 relief money to fund installation of countywide broadband.
The county received the American Rescue Plan Act funding earlier this year totaling $3.6 million. Prior to Tuesday night’s work session, the remainder was $3.4 million. The funding request from Open Broadband to provide countywide broadband was $2,593,842, which would leave about $900,000 for this year. The board will be given another $3 million in ARPA funds in 2022.
Deputy County Administrator Carol Steele said the majority of the $2.5 million request would be spent this year. Board member Ashley Chriscoe had initially suggested to reduce the request to $2 million and to fund the remaining costs next year, which would allow for more ARPA money to be given to other funding opportunities this year.
Chriscoe’s motion was to “instruct Mrs. Steele and county staff to expend the money needed to bring broadband to the county, not to...

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