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Gloucester High School renovation project continues during summer

“It’s been amazing what we’ve been able to accomplish over the summer.”

Charles Records, construction/project coordinator for Gloucester County Public Schools, recounted the work that has been completed so far for the Gloucester High School renovation project. The building has been mostly unoccupied during the summer months, with the exception of summer school students and staff, allowing for “mission critical” work to be completed, such as renovating a main sewer line. Ongoing projects include plumbing, electrical, mechanical, framing, roofing and sheetrock work.

The completion of the new entrance, security vestibule and administrative/guidance office is anticipated for the end of the first semester.

The rest of the modular classrooms have been set up in the outside area closest to ‘C’ Hall. The rest of ‘A’ Hall has been displaced to these classrooms as the whole hall is currently under construction. By the end of the calendar year, the ‘A’ Hall classrooms are scheduled to b...

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