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GHS rowers win gold at Halloween Regatta

Gloucester High School fall rowers entered several events and won a pair at the Head of the Lafayette Halloween Regatta in Norfolk last weekend.

Winning the gold were Chris Smith in the men’s junior single and the junior four of Elizabeth Keane, Hannah Beverage, Gabby Lauer and Kendall Worland with coxswain Matt Hendrix.

In other events, Hannah Cagle and Breanna Priode were third in the four-boat junior double, the men’s junior novice eight was also third and a pair of women’s junior novice fours competed, finishing at third and sixth place. The novice girls joined oars to race in the novice eight event and took another third.

Logan Hutson, James Lane, Ryan Brooks and Smith, with Meagan Martin at coxswain, finished sixth in the junior four. The GHS men’s novice eight crew split to race in two novice four events, finishing fourth and fifth. This marked the last race of the season for the novice rowers, while the varsity oarsmen will compete at the Head of...

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