The entire third grade class at Achilles Elementary School gathered for an assembly on Friday, with each student receiving a dictionary from the Abingdon Ruritan Club as part of The Dictionary Project, an ongoing activity of many Ruritan clubs. The dictionaries are a gift for students to use at school and at home. “Educators see third grade as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn,” according to The Dictionary Project website. Students joined the Ruritans to receive their dictionaries, play dictionary games and discuss dictionary phrases. In addition to their dictionaries, the students have a chance to win a thesaurus and synonym and antonym book by writing a short essay explaining why they love their dictionary. The club’s Public Service Committee was instrumental in presenting the program. Ruritans taking part in the assembly, top photo, included, front row from left, Julianna Woolley, Regina Scott, Sid Dugas; back row, Janet Kyle, Ann Yoder, Betsy Tuttle, J...
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