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Classifieds from one century ago

100 YEARS AGO Thursday, April 1, 1920 from the Gloucester Gazette
People’s Wants.
For sale: One complete gasoline lighting system, consisting of three swinging lamps, one new wall lamp, 10-gallon galvanized pressure tank, and wires complete. Suitable for church, hall or store. Inquire of Gloucester Pharmacy or H.A. Howard & Son.
For sale: For cash: One splendid horse for road or work. Two buggies; one single wagon, buggy harness; wagon harness; one double plow; one single plow; one harrow; one cultivator; other farming and garden implements. One new gasoline engine never uncrated. One buggy pole. Many other useful articles. C.S. Smith Jr., Gloucester, Va.
Lost: Between Wan and Nuttall, one package containing pair of dark pants. Finder will please leave at Wan or notify Earle German, Wan. Va.
Lost: Two license tags, No. 81731. Finder will receive reward by returning same to Corr’s store, Gloucester, Va. or notifying Mr. S.C. Wolcott, Dixondale, Va.
90 YEARS AGO Thursday, April 3...

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