Mathews High School seniors Kamryn Blake and Lydia Hudgins are the recipients of this year’s Westville Christian Church scholarships. The Disciples of Christ, the congregation of the Mathews Court House church, made the announcement on Friday.
Blake received the Miss Nellie Mae Callis Educational Scholarship in the amount of $750. This scholarship is awarded in memory of an especially active member of Westville, who served as trustee, deaconess, teacher and pianist for Sunday school.
Callis was also active in public education for 46 years beginning in 1921. She was a teacher and principal in elementary school and a guidance counselor in high school.
When she died in 1996, the Christian Women’s Fellowship started this educational scholarship in her memory. Each year, money is raised during Advent season by donations from members of the congregation in honor or memory of their loved one along with placing a crocheted angel on the Chrismon tree. The amount of donations given determines th...
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