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Big plans at Mathews High in 1908

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Sept. 3, 1908from the Mathews Journal

Are you aware that the Mathews High and Public school is going to get a move on this year? The board has secured the services of a normal graduate of William and Mary College as principal. He taught last year and set going to the Lunenberg High School, doing for it just the work you want done here. He brings the highest recommendation from the school officials there as well as from his professors at William and Mary.

’Tis true, he is young, but young shoulders sometimes have old heads, and you will admit that his three predecessors were decidedly not young. You will also agree that no one of them, nor all three together, set the school to going, for it does not go. So, now, let us see what this young professor is going to do with it, in spite of the fact that we have heard it said, “he is too young.”

110 YEARS AGOThursday, Sept. 4, 1913from the Mathews Journal

A mighty wind swept down upon Cobbs Creek on yesterda...

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