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A merry dance on the North River

115 YEARS AGOThursday, June 25, 1908from the Mathews Journal

The dance given by Miss Elvira Maxwell in honor of her cousin, Miss Dresser, of Wisconsin, at her beautiful home on North River on Thursday evening of last week was greatly enjoyed by those present. The guests began to arrive about 8:30 and by 9 the large parlors, made one by opening the large folding doors, were about filled.

110 YEARS AGOThursday, June 26, 1913from the Mathews Journal

Around Cobbs Creek, Miss Pearle Sadler spent the weekend with Mrs. H.L. Matthews.

100 YEARS AGOThursday, June 28, 1923from the Mathews Journal

In Hudgins news, Mr. Kerford Winder is clerking in Mr. Dillehay’s store.

90 YEARS AGOThursday, June 29, 1933from the Gloucester Gazette

Miss Lila Williams was hostess to the Girl’s Auxiliary and the Royal Ambassadors at an all-day picnic held on Tuesday, June 20. Her spacious lawn, with the cooling breezes of Ware River, the fine swimming and the genuine good fellowship made th...

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