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A launch party to Middlesex and back

115 YEARS AGOThursday, Oct. 15, 1908from the Mathews Journal

The most striking and enjoyable event of this week was a delightful launch ride and oyster roast, which took place on Tuesday last. The participants were: Misses Nettie, Della and Lucy Bell Powell, and Messrs. Wm. M Marchant, Edgar Foster, Howard Fleet, Andrew Davis, Ennis Gwynn and Reed Traverse. The boat left Cricket Hill about 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon for the home of Mr. Saunders, of Middlesex, where his three daughters, Misses Levanda, Ola and Nannie Saunders, and his son, Mr. John Saunders, joined the merry party making the event gayer and happier. The party left Mr. Saunders about 5:30, and reached Cherry Point shortly afterwards, where a good many oysters were purchased. Then with everything in favor of making the occasion a delightful one, while the sun shone over the picturesque view, and with music swelling over the refreshing breezes of the Bay, the party proceeded joyously on their journey to the home of ...

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