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Yoga, basketball and belly dance offered by PRT

Gloucester Parks, Recreation and Tourism will hold floor yoga classes for ages 16 and older from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Mondays from June 3 to July 22 in the Stewart Building.

The class is for all levels of students. Those attending are asked to bring a yoga mat and water. The registration fee is $65 and the deadline to register is May 27.

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL: A women’s basketball league for ages 18 and older is now being formed. Games will be held from 5 to 7:30 p.m. every Thursday from June 6 through Aug. 1 at the Ark Park basketball court. The fee is $15 per person and the deadline to register is May 26.

BELLY DANCE: A belly dance class for ages 16 and older will be held from 7-8 p.m. Mondays at the Stewart Building from June 3 through July 29. The beginner’s class is a good place to learn basics or to brush up on your technique. The fee is $65 and the deadline to register is May 27.

For more information on these and other activities, call PRT at 804-693-2355, email prt@glouc...

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