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Woman’s Club of White Stone

The Woman’s Club of White Stone recently installed its 2022-2023 executive board. The outgoing board was thanked and the new board welcomed by Doris Kidwell, a longtime member and past president who served as the installing official. Leading the organization are, from left, treasurer Alice Dix, corresponding secretary Mary Ellen Cleveland, vice president Ginger Philbrick, president Wanda Little, recording secretary Kim Pulley, parliamentarian Vicki White and historian Susie Reavill. Little said she “is looking forward to continuing the club’s history of service and kindness,” and her goal for the upcoming year “is to raise enough money to continue most, if not more, of the activities that support our community.” The all-volunteer, nonprofit club serves the community through charitable and philanthropic activities, including a financial need-based scholarship fund set up for Lancaster County students attending Rappahannock Community College. After the ceremony, club members were treated...

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