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Winter storm wreaks havoc on region

A coastal storm blanketed the region last week with 4-8 inches of snow throughout Gloucester and Mathews, shutting down most businesses, offices and schools for several days. Schools remained closed for the fifth consecutive school day in Gloucester on Wednesday morning, while Mathews students went back to class yesterday following a two-hour delay.
Strong winds accompanying the system along with frigid conditions forced most residents to hunker down indoors until Monday, when temperatures finally reached above the freezing mark.
Snow began falling late last Wednesday evening and continued falling overnight and into Thursday afternoon. Because of below average temperatures for several days prior to the snowfall, the snow began sticking rapidly, causing traffic nightmares for those who were on the roads.
By 5 a.m. Thursday, Virginia Department of Transportation crews were busy plowing and applying treatment materials to state-maintained roads across the Middle Peninsula, according to V...

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