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Wildfire burns land in Redart

High winds and low humidity on the afternoon of Sept. 30 helped fan a wildfire in the woods off Crab Neck Road at Redart. The Mathews Volunteer Fire Department fought the blaze and firefighters were able to bring it under control in a couple of hours, according to Ken Sterner, senior area forester with the Virginia Department of Forestry.

The VDOF also plowed a containment line to halt the fire from burning additional woodlands. “We are very dry right now and with the warm weather conditions, it is very favorable for brush fires to occur,” Sterner said. “We definitely could use a couple inches of rain.” 

The cause of the fire is under investigation. Anyone with information can contact the Mathews County Sheriff’s Office at 804-725-7177 or the Virginia Department of Forestry’s Gloucester office at 804-693-2880.

The VDOF reminds everyone that there are several fire laws in effect year-round. One includes remaining with the fire at all times if ...

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