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VHSL to choose from 3 options for the new year Monday

The Virginia High School League is scheduled to approve its plan for the coming school year when it meets Monday to select one of three recommended models for reopening sports and activities.

The VHSL executive committee, during its July 15 meeting, unanimously voted (35-0-0) to meet next week to vote on the three recommended models, and to delay the beginning of the fall sports season until that final decision has been made.

The committee also suspended the July-August dead period for 2020, which means schools can continue out-of-season practice activities.

“It’s important to remember that in all these models playing sports in the high-risk category depends on being out of the current Phase III guidelines,” VHSL executive director Dr. John W “Billy” Haun said. “All our efforts will continue towards advocating for the opening of sports and activities in a safe and reasonable way that will protect athletes, activity participants, coaches, officials, and the public. The VHSL wi...

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