Thirty-three Junior Beta Club members from Thomas Hunter Middle School traveled Feb. 23-24 to the Virginia Junior Beta Convention in Hampton. In competitions, the Thomas Hunter students took first place in Scrapbook and Tower of Power, second place in Oil and Acrylic, Watercolors and Living Literature, and third place in Pen and Pencil and Color Photography. Living Literature winners (top photo) were, front row from left: Jessie Mills, Lydia Hudgins, Olivia Manning, Victoria Bing, Hannah Mathias, Noah Iveson; back row, Linsdey Hudgins, Kristen Frank, Chesapeake West, Skykller Worley, Brooke Barefoot and Mallory Childress. The Living Literature competition provides an opportunity for students to present their interpretation of a scene from a favorite work of literature. Tower of Power winners Presley Murphy, Jaysen Hall, Jack Perry and Jerry Velez (bottom photo from left) were tasked with constructing a portable tower of plastic drinking straws, with the tower strong enough to support a...
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